LCA Dress Code – Old1

A Statement of Rationale for Having a Dress Code

Personal appearance – Ever since those fig leaves in the Garden of Eden, one’s dress and appearance have been a personal and important issue. Appearance is also important in a community context, though, and deserves to be addressed in a learning environment such as a Christian school. The following assumptions govern our thinking:

1. Your appearance reflects your values. In many ways, you become what you look like. Your values are shaped by your choice of appearance, and your choice of appearance represents to others what you consider important. In other words, if you choose to look like the latest superstar, not only will others assume you want to look like that superstar, but you will begin sharing those same values as well. Naturally, we do not want your appearance to conflict with the values associated with our school.

2. Your appearance affects your behavior, and that of your peers. If your appearance is excessive or draws attention to itself in some way, then you are a distraction to the tasks at hand, which are education and maturity. There are two extremes of clothing: being overly concerned or having no concern. Both extremes will distract from, and interfere with, the learning process.

3. Your appearance sets the tone for our environment. In this case, since clothing influences mentality, and appearances affect group living, our standards of dress aid in shaping the overall climate of the place in which we operate. We want to be proud of our learning environment, no matter what the current standards and taste of our society.

4. Community interest takes precedence over personal preference. Personal sacrifices are inevitable whenever a group of people function in a close setting. Unless a rule or expectation is a violation of an individual’s integrity, personal life-style choice like dress and conduct are acceptable when within the confines imposed by the community as a whole.

Dress Code Enforcement

The intent of our dress code is to promote modesty as well as proper appearance. We ask that all parents help us properly monitor their child’s dress. Our goal is that the dress code would not become an issue, but that spiritual and academic development would be our focus. However, dress code accountability must be enforced, and we ask that parents and students understand our intent and fully comply with these policies.

Dress Code enforcement does not depend on who else is wearing something, or how many times someone wore it without getting caught. It is each student’s responsibility to follow the Dress Code at all times.

If dress code violations become excessive, the principal will meet with parents to discuss how the parent can help the school enforce the appearance code. When a student is found in violation of the appearance code, the parent will be asked to bring the proper clothing to the school.