FAQ’s about Life Christian Academy

Q: Is Life Christian Academy an accredited school?

A: Life Christian Academy is accredited by ICAA, the International Christian Accrediting Agency and AdvancED formerly known as the North Central Association. ICAA is recognized by the state of Oklahoma and therefore LCA is listed as an accredited school with OPSAC, the Oklahoma Private School Association.

Q: Are teachers are Life Christian Academy certified?

A: Teachers in Kindergarten through high school are either certified through the State of Oklahoma or ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), or are degreed in the field in which they are teaching. Some teachers hold multiple certifications.

Q: Does LCA teach beliefs from a certain denomination?

A: We are a non-denominational school. We have a statement of faith and we will teach these Biblical truths. Occasionally questions arise in classrooms that could differ from denomination to denomination or from an individual’s personal beliefs. With younger children, our teachers are encouraged to let students know that people have different beliefs and then direct them to talk with their parents or pastor. The older students may openly discuss issues and are taught that it is necessary to be able to clearly defend your beliefs based on the Word of God.

Q: What curriculum does LCA use?

A: LCA does not use one specific curriculum for the entire school. Currently our Pre-K & K5 & 1st grade use ABEKA for all reading/language/writing. K5-12th grade use Bob Jones Mathematics. Our 2nd grade through 10th grade students use BJU (Bob Jones Univ.) for English Grammar/Writing. In Reading, our 3rd-6th graders read at least 4-5 novels as a class. The teachers teach story elements through a Christian perspective. We use ABEKA for 1st -2nd grade History/Social Studies. Our 3rd-10th graders use BJU for History. Our elementary classes all use ABEKA for Penmanship and Spelling. All elementary classes use Standard Publishing’s Biblical Choices for Bible. MS/HS Bible classes use Positive Action for Christ materials or ACSI materials. The following classes for MS/HS Bible are taught on a rotating basis: World Views, Apologetics, John, Life of Christ, Proverbs, Bible Survey, Characteristics of God. Alg. I, Alg. 2 use BJU materials. Several courses are provided via computer through Ignitia which is through Alpha and Omega Publications. 7th-12th grade Science is taught using Bob Jones curriculum.

Juniors and Seniors are given the opportunity to take dual credit courses through Oklahoma Christian if their ACT scores meet the qualifications. Some who do not qualify for dual credit courses, take the same courses as the students at Oklahoma Christian but on an Honors Level. Others may take traditional courses.

Letters/Sounds Numbers/Math Bible
K5 ABEKA Saxon (1) Standard Publishing
Biblical Choices

Phonics/Read. Pen./Spell. Lang. Math Bible Soc. Stu. Sci.
1st ABEKA ABEKA ABEKA Saxon 2 Standard Publishing Biblical Choices ABEKA ACSI
2nd ABEKA ABEKA BJU Saxon 3 Standard Publishing Biblical Choices ABEKA ACSI

Read. Pen/Spell. Lang. Math Bible History Sci.
3 Novel units ABEKA BJU BJU Standard Pub.
Biblical Choices ABEKA ACSI
4 Novel
units ABEKA BJU BJU Standard Pub.
Biblical Choices ABEKA ACSI
5 Novel units ABEKA BJU BJU Standard Pub.
Biblical Choices BJU ACSI
6 Novel units ABEKA BJU BJU Standard Pub.
Biblical Choices BJU ACSI
Eng. Math His. Sci. Bible
7 BJU BJU Pre-Alg. BJU
World Studies BJU
Earth Sci. Positive Action-Bible Survey
8 BJU BJU-Alg. 1 BJU
History BJU
Life Sci. Positive Action-Proverbs
9 BJU BJU-Alg. 2 BJU-World BJU-Bio. Positive Action-
Life of Christ
10 BJU BJU-Geom. BJU-US BJU-Chem. Positive Action-
Life of Christ
11 Honors/DC English Honors/DC
Gen. Math/Coll.Alg. Honors/DC
Hist/Gov’t Honors/DC
Bio/Chem ACSI-Apologetics
12 Honors/DC English Honors/DC
Gen. Math/Coll.Alg Honors/DC
Hist./Gov’t Honors/DC
Bio/Chem ACSI-Apologetics
Q: Does Life Christian Academy accept students with learning disabilities or IEP’s? Do you accept the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship?

A: We accept student with learning disabilities on a case by case basis. The application must be submitted with school records, IEP’s, MEEG’S, etc… to be reviewed by the Administration. If the students’ needs can be met through our program we will accept the student. If the student has a current IEP from a public school in Oklahoma, you may then apply for the Lindsey Nichole Henry Scholarship through the State Department of Education.

Q: Do you offer financial assistance or scholarships?

A: We offer needs based financial assistance each year. It is given on a needs basis and is first come-first served. You must complete the financial aid form and submit it with a copy of your current tax forms to be considered by the School Board for assistance. Applications must be resubmitted each year. The Oklahoma Children’s Scholarship is also available for students in Grades 3-8. You may pick up an application through the school office and apply through this private scholarship fund.

Q: Do you require uniforms?

A: No, we do not require uniforms, although we do have a dress code. (See dress code under “Parents” tab)

Q: Do you offer extracurricular activities for students?

A: Our elementary students enjoy the fine arts and computers.  On sports at this time our students join the EOC league.  We have found that the students are challenged more.  They have a stronger foundation to help them in Middle School and High School sports.  We offer girls’ volleyball and basketball for grades 6-12. We also offer elementary basketball for grades 3-5 (boys and girls). Girls in 4th-5th may also play volleyball. We offer football and basketball for Middle School and High School Boys. We have choir/drama for Middle and High School.

Q: What is the application process?

A: The first step is to complete an application and submit the $25 application fee. Students in grades 6-12 must also complete a questionnaire. Submit grades for the past two years (or transcripts if in high school), testing scores, IEP’s, immunization records, and birth certificate. Once we receive the information, then we will review the material and call you to schedule an appointment.