
ICAA Accreditation

Accreditation is most accurately defined as voluntary peer recognition base on qualitative standards and guidelines and, as implemented by ICAA, emphasis on both a process for self-improvement and an outcome of quality.

The Re-Evaluation Site Committee comprised of teachers, administrators, and other educators for Christian schools and institutions will validate the school’s continued adherence to “quality assurance” standards for Accreditation through their on-site evaluation. Additionally, the Re-Evaluation site Committee will acknowledge commendable aspects of the school as well as make recommendations for self-improvement

Chairman’s Remarks – Dr. David Ward

The administration, staff, and faculty of Life Christian Academy should be extremely proud of the overall excellence that is found in the learning environment of LCA. Mr. Rodney Burchett, in particular, should be commended for leading Life Christian Academy toward excellence in academics and for articulating a well understood vision of training up well-rounded, well-educated, Christian leaders.

The excellent standardized achievement test scores of LCA reflect the orderliness and academic focus that is observed in the school’s classrooms. Students are well behaved, attentive, and on task. Teachers have developed excellent rapport with their students, and maintain strong academic focus that is supported by professional, yet loving, classroom control.

It is evident that the leadership of the school, in conjunction with staff and faculty, are continually seeking the Lord for His guidance for the future of LCA. It is also commendable that although LCA has decreased in attendance, after closing its secondary school, the school operates within the parameters of its budget, and operates in the black.

Commendations from the Chairman – Dr. David Ward

The administration, staff, and faculty are to be commended for developing warm and friendly relationships with the students and their parents. These strong interpersonal relationships will bring greater compliance with school rules and support of the vision of the school, in the future.

The overall functioning of the school, including student behavior, is well organized and orderly.

The computer laboratory is excellently configured, and provides an effective learning environment for computer literacy.

Life Christian Academy should be commended for the outstanding educational facility that has been developed. The library provides an excellent environment for learning, study, research, and meditation. The classrooms, offices, hallways, gymnasium, and athletic fields are colorful, creative, and motivating learning tools that greatly enhance the growth of LCA students.

LCA staff and faculty, lead by Mr. Rodney Burchett, should be commended for standing strong and remaining faithful, while transitioning through the elimination of the secondary school.

Commendations – Institutional Purpose and Description

The school’s Mission and Goals, General Purpose, and Philosophy of Christian Education statements are clearly stated an dare being manifested in the daily operation of the school.

The statement of Nondiscrimination is well stated, well documented, an dwell implemented in the operation of Life Christian Academy.

Life Christian Academy operates within the standards of federal, state, and local regulations, in an excellent manner.

The policies and procedures manuals are well written, clear, and comprehensive, so that they provide order and organization for the staff, faculty, students, and parents of the school.

Life Christian Academy brochures, and written promotional advertisements are informative, well written and professional.

Commendations – Administrative Standards

The school is to be commended for exercising professional discipline in maintaining and living within the budget for the operation of the school.

The fundraising philosophy and strategy of the school is excellent in that it raises a significant amount of money with minimal staff, faculty, and student involvement. This strategy of not using the students as the LCA sales force, allows the students to focus on academic excellence.

LCA is commended for the fact that all of the administrative team have earned their Masters Degrees: Mr. Rodney Burchett, Theology, Mrs. Vivian Reasnor, Education, Mr. Loy Hill, Education.

Life Christian Academy is to be commended for earning and maintaining a high level of integrity with local vendors for paying their bills in a timely and efficient manner.

Commendations – Faculty and Staff

Life Christian Academy has been serving the Oklahoma City area for nearly 30 years. Many of the staff members have been a part of the school for an extended period of time. The school is filled with well-behaved and academically motivated students.

The school is to be commended for having a qualified, college degreed staff. The students appear to be happy and interested in school. After reviewing the standardized test scores, it is apparent that the students are learning school-targeted objectives.

The elementary teachers are to be commended for the Shurley Method Language Program they have implemented into their instruction. It was observed to be very effective.

The administration is to be commended for leading the teachers in the development of their instruction guides, which is paying dividends in the classroom.

The administration is to be commended for providing a financial benefits option package for the staff.

The support staff is to be commended for their helpful, upbeat attitude. This attitude is exhibited to students, faculty, patrons, and visitors.

Commendations – Educational Programs and Services

The educational programs and services offered at Life Christian Academy were evaluated through classroom and hallway observations, as well as teacher interviews, inspection of student files, and review of the course overviews for all classes and curriculum.

The faculty and staff are to be commended on their efficient supervision of the students.

The site team commends Life Christian Academy on the installation of a surveillance security system that provides a safe environment for the students.

The administration, faculty, and staff are to be commended on the written disciplinary policies and the implementation of such policies that affords a safe learning environment for the students at Life Christian Academy.

Mr. Hill is to be commended on his efforts to promote the spiritual goals of the school by equipping the 8th grade Bible class with necessary Godly leadership skills to succeed beyond graduation.

Life Christian Academy is to be commended on the thoroughness of their academic goals, scope and sequence, and the spirit of excellence in their academic program as evidenced by the Stanford Achievement Test scores.

Life Christian Academy is to be commended on their proactive approach in raising their Stanford Achievement Test scores.